Number of people in temporary housing climbs 14%

Almost 100,000 homeless households were in temporary accommodation in England during the first national lockdown, an increase of 14 per cent year on year, official homelessness figures for the second quarter reveal.

The total for Q2 was also 7 per cent higher than the previous three months.

Housing charity Shelter says that even with the eviction ban in place, many people were tipped into homelessness. 

Its analysis of official data from the Ministry for Housing Communities and Local Government shows that between April and June 2020, 63,570 households approached their local council and were found to be homeless or at risk of homelessness.  

The figures show that 17 per cent of all homeless households supported by their council with temporary accommodation were placed into emergency B&Bs and hostels.  

The number of households in emergency accommodation has increased by 14 per cent in three months – which is partly the result of efforts made to house those sleeping rough during the first phase of the pandemic.

The three most common triggers of homelessness during the initial lockdown period were households no longer being able to stay with families and friends for 33 per cent of those surveyed, the loss of a private tenancy for 11 per cent and domestic abuse also for 11 per cent. 

Shelter chief executive Polly Neate says: “No one should have to battle homelessness during a global pandemic. 

“But this has been the grim reality for increasing numbers of people this year. 

“And as local lockdowns continue across the country, many people will be facing this nightmare afresh. 

“With the economic effects of the pandemic starting to bite and unemployment rising, tragically many more people could find themselves homeless in the months ahead.

“The Covid crisis has magnified our housing emergency, and exposed the deep cracks left by the chronic shortage of social homes. 

“A safe, stable home means everything right now, but we just don’t have enough of them and people are suffering terrible consequences as a result. 

“If we don’t want the legacy of this pandemic to be one of lasting homelessness, then we need a Covid rescue plan for housing and we need it now. 

“By investing £12bn over the next two years, the government could build an extra 144,000 lower-cost homes, including 50,000 critically important social homes. 

“These permanent homes could provide a way out of the misery of homelessness and temporary accommodation for thousands.”



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