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Mortgage Business Accelerator: Sonya Matharu, senior broker, The Mortgage Mum

A solo journey meant Sonya Matharu could take charge of her career, have her own voice and reap the rewards of hard work. But it was building a team and leaning in to collaboration that set her business on a path to growth

Straddling the fine line between independence and collaboration can be hard, especially when self-employed while working within a team.

But I believe brokers can thrive and push their business to new heights when they aren’t afraid to navigate their unique path and embrace the next level.

Entering the finance industry as a young woman, at a time when it was a male-dominated field, was already a significant challenge, but having dyslexia added another layer.

Many questioned my choice to hire when the market seemed uncertain. However, I remained cautiously optimistic

Dyslexia does have unexpected benefits (for me, that’s heightened attention to detail, enhanced problem solving and multi-sensory learning, to name a few), but financial services is heavily regulated and full of acronyms, specific terms and lengthy course materials, which made learning a challenge.

Battle for progress

It felt like, from the beginning of my career, I had been in a constant battle for progress — whether from studying and learning with a disability or simply making my presence felt. However, that all changed in 2020 when I joined The Mortgage Mum.

I had been accustomed to going it alone, believing it was the only way to succeed, but when I joined the firm I learned that overcoming this sense of isolation was the key to unlocking my growth in the next stage.

It’s this very fear and anticipation that can signify you’re ready for the next level

In the world of self-employed mortgage brokers, it can sometimes be challenging to see yourself as a business when you are part of a team within a larger firm. But you have the best of both worlds — running your own business with the support and resources of your team and company. With that comes a unique position where you aspire to grow without striking out on your own.

Lingering questions

This leaves lingering questions, such as when is the right time to expand your own team? The fear is real because, as a self-employed adviser, there are no income guarantees. When it’s just you, you bear the responsibility of your own finances, and adding an employee introduces new pressures and uncertainties. But it’s this very fear and anticipation that can signify you’re ready for the next level.

It’s something I experienced this year when I found myself in hospital unexpectedly. While going through it, all I could think about was work and what would happen to my clients. I’d worked too hard building my business to let them down. I knew I needed to change the structure of my team.

Brokers can push their business to new heights when they aren’t afraid to navigate their unique path and embrace the next level

I won’t lie; I was hesitant, and many questioned my choice to hire when the market seemed uncertain. However, I remained cautiously optimistic. I had faith in both myself and my business, and believed the addition of a paraplanner would bring significant value and empower me to push forward. So far, that’s exactly how it’s going!

My solo journey has meant I could take charge of my career, have my own voice and reap the rewards of my hard work.

But it was the concept of building a team and leaning in to collaboration that truly set my business on a path to growth.

This article featured in the November 2023 edition of MS.

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